1. Верхний рекламный блок.

Just rush her to the doctor, he'll sort things out!" . But then Mikhalych, our chief doctor, got rid of him, saying: `I can find other physicians, but they should be human beings too. "It's just that I'll never get used to the fact that I'm not really a woman anymore. One of them quickly administered promedol to the old woman and applied

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tourniquets to her shins. . Chopin was sitting on the porch of a two-story field hospital. " . . Men from the commandant's

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office ran over via a circuitous route, skirting the minefield. .


He then loosened the soil around an unknown object and, inserting his fingers

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beneath it, smoothly extracted a brown, ebonite-like cylinder from the ground. As for children, there is your Goddaughter - an orphan

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- along with half a town of kids

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just like her.

Once inside, he covered the seat with field jackets, placed the little girl on them, and dropped to his knees, intently observing his young patient and keeping his fingers on the pulse of her small, thin hand. . "Oh, look, Grandma, a string!" . "She said, `Grandma, there's a string!' Oh, what an old fool I am! What have I done to deserve such a punishment? Dear God, may I die a terrible death, but please save our little darling!" .

Upon returning to the commandant's office, Chopin ordered his driver to take him to the limits of the

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surrounding guard posts. . just a sort-of gutted flounder. "That's good - a little girl shouldn't have scars, especially on her chest. "Shit,

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those combat engineers are walking one very fine

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line! After all, who hasn't planted mines out there - the Chechens, our guys - yet there are no sketches or maps! The Devil himself couldn't figure things out!" . While talking, the combat engineers performed a cursory examination of the wounded. .

. "What do you want me to do - cart this stuff back home? Right, and now. . The driver, who had been squatting by one of the wheels, darted headlong into the cab of the idling Ural while two OMON troopers, having thrown open the vehicle's rear gate earlier, jumped aboard and prepared to receive the old woman. "The women say her father was killed while fighting in the anti-Dudayev opposition. Doc and the girl - get into it. "What do you want me to do - cart this stuff back home? Right, and now. Her husband found out and left her. "She only has her grandmother," replied a hefty OMON trooper of around forty with the classic look of a company first sergeant. She was astonishingly attractive but had a tired, sullen face.

. Put the old woman on top of the BTR. Then he said, "Let's go!" and slammed the door. Men from the commandant's office ran over via a circuitous route, skirting the minefield. "The mine may have stuck rather than bouncing up the way it should . . It won't hurt - just hang on, Little One!" . He then loosened the soil around an unknown object and, inserting his fingers beneath it, smoothly extracted a brown, ebonite-like cylinder from the ground. Heart failure. But then Mikhalych, our chief doctor, got rid of him, saying: `I can find other physicians, but they should be human beings too. Take care of yourself.

"It's okay. " . And you're a real human being. 8 OMON - elite special purpose forces within the Russian police . .

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They hauled her off in broad daylight, raped and shot her! But the entire street teamed up to save the girl and the old woman, hiding them.

" . The other picked up the girl. 2 Nickname for Alexander . "They're alive and still breathing!

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Look - here's shrapnel from the mine!" . They hauled her off in broad daylight, raped and shot her! But the entire street teamed up to save the girl and the old woman, hiding them. She was no longer crying but quivered spasmodically from repressed sobs. Suddenly the nurse tensed up and turned her face away, straining to hide her tears.

It doesn't really matter while she is small, but she could develop complexes when she grows up," said Chopin, nodding his head knowingly. "Don't mess with the rest of

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them, there's no time to screw around.

"We need to get to the hospital, and fast! The little girl's trachea has been nicked. "Hey! And just where do you thing you're going? Go back!" . But then Mikhalych, our chief doctor,

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got rid

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of him, saying: `I can find other physicians, but they should be human

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beings too. . Or the wheelbarrow may have shielded them - see, it looks like a sieve. "What do you want me to do - cart this stuff back home? Right, and now. Just mark them with flags so we don't trip them on the way out. . . .

Chopin rubbed his temples with his hands and stood there briefly. . While talking, the combat engineers

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performed a cursory examination of the wounded. But then Mikhalych, our chief doctor, got rid of him, saying: `I can find other physicians, but they should be human beings too. . But on that day, he just felt agitated and knew that he was not alone. .

" . Heart failure. In his long years as a physician, Doc had seen a great deal of blood - particularly in the last few months. . " She kissed him tenderly, as if he were a close relative

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whom she had known for a thousand years. . Doc and the girl - get into it. .

"Well, it's time for me to go. In his long years as a physician, Doc had seen a great deal of blood - particularly in the last few months. "That's good - a little girl shouldn't have scars, especially on her chest. She was astonishingly attractive but had a tired, sullen face. His partner froze, hugging the ground. " . 8 OMON - elite special purpose forces within the Russian police . "We need to get to the hospital, and fast! The little girl's trachea has been nicked. "Why the hell did she crawl out there? Look, one "Mines!" warning sign is posted there, and out further is another. Gather

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them together and give them love. "At this range it should have cut them to pieces!" .


In his long years as a physician, Doc had seen a great deal of blood - particularly in the last few months. " . She was no longer crying but quivered spasmodically from repressed sobs.

Look, the old woman is still moving, sort-of. One of them quickly administered promedol to the old woman and applied tourniquets to her shins. . The Doc rushed out to meet Vovka and carefully took hold of the girl.

While talking, the combat engineers performed a cursory examination of the wounded. ".

Suddenly the nurse tensed up and turned her

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face away, straining to hide her tears. The commander's long, sensitive fingers, which he held on the forward stock of his automatic rifle as if

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it were the neck of a guitar, left no doubt about the source of his personal callsign, which had long since become his second name. And don't be such a bonehead!" .

She could hardly pass by a single

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flower that caught her fancy without stooping over to pick it. The Doc rushed out to meet Vovka and carefully took hold of the girl. And tell them to find 'em quickly," Chopin barked over his shoulder while assisting the doctor. . " .

"She took hits in the throat and the right side of the chest. . "That's just what we needed - the chance to crawl right into the middle of a minefield! Thanks a lot, Granny, you lousy saboteur! Sanya, Stop!" . Chopin suddenly grew angry. They sewed her up, all right, but what kind of plastic surgery can you do in a cellar by candlelight? So now she can't have children. ' And imagine, her

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husband served right here in this hospital," the outgoing informant explained, adding

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with gusto "the j-jerk!" . But the girl's all right, and she won't even have noticeable scars.

Vovka dashed through the corridor hastily cut across the minefield, zigzagging gracefully between the marker flags like a downhill skier. Chopin suddenly grew angry. " But meeting Chopin's cold, restrained stare, he quickly pretended to be preoccupied and headed for the exit.


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spoke briefly with those in charge of the work details, then got onto the running board of the Ural and glanced around. . . But Vovka, nicknamed "Daddy-Well-Done", was running his own race, knowing that his five-year-old sweetheart Natashka and one-week-old twins - who had not yet even seen their father - were waiting for him at home, far away. . "The grandmother didn't make it. The other picked up the girl. "Don't mess with the rest of them, there's no time to screw around. .

His fingers trembled as he attempted to light a cigarette. "At this range it should have cut them to pieces!" . Take care of yourself. While Doc attended to her, Sanya arrived carrying the old woman. "She only has her grandmother,"

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replied a hefty OMON trooper of around forty with the classic look

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of a company first sergeant. . " . Her husband found out and left her. They'll beat a path to your door with fire and signal flares - even in the daytime!" .

They hauled

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her off in broad daylight, raped and shot her! But the entire street teamed up to save the girl and the old woman, hiding them.

. Take care of yourself. 2 Nickname for Alexander

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. . . "We need to get to the hospital, and fast! The little girl's trachea has been nicked. "It's okay. And a few in the legs too. It's not too serious, but there may be pulmonary bleeding," Aibolit told the commander,

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as he finished bandaging the girl.

. . While Doc attended to her, Sanya arrived carrying the old woman. He hurtled across the killing field, holding the girl to his breast, panting and whispering in her ear: . . But Vovka, nicknamed "Daddy-Well-Done", was running his own race, knowing that his five-year-old sweetheart Natashka and one-week-old twins - who

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had not yet even seen their father - were waiting for him at home, far away. "Oh, look, Grandma, a string!" . . It's not too serious, but there may be pulmonary bleeding," Aibolit told the commander, as he finished bandaging the girl. "Don't mess with the rest of them,

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there's no time to screw around.

It's not too serious, but there may be pulmonary bleeding," Aibolit told the commander, as he finished bandaging the girl. "Ask them where the little girl's parents are. While Doc attended to her, Sanya arrived carrying the old woman.

"The grandmother didn't make it. .

The OMON troops, having taken cover behind the armor of the BTR and using their field glasses to observe first the "green area" and then the wounded, were quietly discussing the event: .

Chopin got up and nearly raced after the nurse, who was standing by the window at the end of the corridor. Vovka dashed through the corridor hastily cut across the minefield, zigzagging gracefully between the marker flags like a downhill skier. "Apparently no surprises this time. As for children, there is your Goddaughter - an orphan - along with half a town of kids just like her. Or the wheelbarrow may have shielded them - see,

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it looks like a sieve. No, wait, she moved her hand! See how Daddy-Well-Done is rushing - she must still be alive!" .
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