1. Верхний рекламный блок.

The combat engineers had already stretched a wire obstacle

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along the edge of the minefield. Then he said, "Let's go!" and slammed the door. . . But after an instant of hesitation, Chopin issued a staccato

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. Around two hundred meters from the commandant's office an old woman and a small girl walked through a wasteland scarred with ditches and littered with smashed bricks. . Heart failure. "Fuck the old hag! But it looks like the youngster has had it. Vovka dashed through the corridor hastily cut across the minefield, zigzagging gracefully between the marker flags like a downhill skier.

Look, the old woman is still moving, sort-of. . Something banged. One of them quickly administered promedol to the old woman and applied tourniquets to her shins. " . . A strange dark object bounced up from the grass, struck the side of the wheelbarrow, careened away, and exploded in a cloud of black, fiery smoke. A Ural truck and the escorts' BTR were waiting for them on the road, across from the site of the incident. "Ask them where the little girl's parents are.

The other picked up the girl. "Still, you gotta

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help try to rescue them. . . . Confused, Chopin turned to the young medic smoking beside him, who had heard the conversation: "What's wrong with her? Is she new? Hasn't she gotten used to things yet?" . His fingers trembled as he attempted to light a cigarette.

"Still, you gotta try to rescue

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them. just a sort-of gutted flounder. "It's just that I'll never get used to the fact that I'm not really a woman anymore. . But Vovka, nicknamed "Daddy-Well-Done", was running his

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own race, knowing

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that his five-year-old

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sweetheart Natashka and one-week-old twins - who had not yet even seen their father - were waiting for him at home,

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far away. At a distance of about a hundred meters from

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the wounded, some of the troops dispersed to either side. The OMON troops, having taken cover behind the armor of the BTR and using their field glasses to observe first the "green area" and then the wounded, were quietly discussing the event: .

. .


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alive and still breathing! Look - here's shrapnel from the mine!" . Heart failure. The OMON troops, having taken cover behind the armor of the BTR and using their field glasses to observe first the "green area" and then the wounded, were quietly discussing the event: . "Oh,

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look, Grandma, a string!" . He hoisted her onto his back, carefully watching beneath his feet and silently listening to her wail as he went. At a distance of about a hundred meters from the wounded, some of the troops dispersed to either side. It took the men about ten minutes to reach the old woman and the girl.

Once inside, he covered the seat with field jackets,

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placed the little girl on them, and dropped to his knees, intently observing his young patient and keeping his fingers on the pulse of her small, thin hand. And you're a real human being. "Ask them where the little girl's parents are. . And that their commander's lips were trembling - a commander who had clearly "been around" and routinely looked so bold and energetic.

His partner

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froze, hugging the ground. . "What do you want me to do - cart this stuff back home? Right, and now.

" . Aibolit noticed how unusually irritable and upset even these exceptionally experienced men around him were. "Hang on, Little One, hang on! Don't be afraid! I'm your uncle - and a good one! In just a minute our Doctor Aibolit will check you over and give you some candy. . Dudayev's security forces killed her mother too.

"She said, `Grandma, there's a string!' Oh, what an old fool I am! What have I done to deserve such a punishment? Dear God, may I die a terrible death, but please save our little darling!" . Suddenly the nurse tensed up and turned her face away, straining to hide her tears. . The other picked up the girl. "She said, `Grandma, there's a string!' Oh, what an old fool I am! What have I done to deserve such a punishment? Dear God, may I die a terrible death, but

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please save our little darling!" . She was no longer crying but quivered spasmodically from repressed sobs.

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Her husband found out and left her.

Once inside, he covered the seat with field

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jackets, placed the little

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girl on them, and dropped to his knees, intently observing

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his young patient and keeping his fingers on the pulse of her small, thin hand.

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The combat engineers had already stretched a wire obstacle

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along the edge of the minefield.

Just rush her to the doctor, he'll sort things out!" . The other

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picked up the girl. . Daddy-Well-Done and his mates were digging in the field beyond the obstacle,

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emplacing the new mines that they had just received the day before. . . One of them

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quickly administered promedol to the old woman and applied tourniquets to her shins.

3 A narcotic antishock medication that Russian forces carry in their individual

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first-aid pouches . . "That's good - a little girl shouldn't have scars, especially on her chest. "We need to

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get to the hospital, and fast! The little girl's trachea has been nicked. She was astonishingly attractive but had a tired, sullen face. . Aibolit nodded in

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agreement, carefully lifted the girl, and crawled in through the side hatch.

x x x . "She only has her grandmother," replied a hefty OMON trooper of around forty with the classic look of a company

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first sergeant. "Don't be a fool! When was the last time that you looked at yourself in the mirror? Someday you'll meet someone - maybe even more than one "someone" - who will just kiss your feet! And if he's a real man, not some


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consolidation help shit like your ex, he'll adore your scars. "You take care of yourself too, my friend. . . Just mark them with flags so we don't trip them on the way out. . .

. And that their commander's lips were trembling - a commander who had clearly "been around" and routinely looked so bold and energetic. Upon returning to the commandant's office, Chopin ordered his driver to take him to the limits of the surrounding guard posts. And don't be such a bonehead!" . Chopin got up and nearly raced

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after the nurse, who was standing by the window at the end of the corridor. Cut

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her stomach all apart.

Chopin suddenly grew angry. And don't be such a bonehead!" . He then loosened the soil around an unknown object and, inserting his fingers beneath it, smoothly extracted a brown, ebonite-like cylinder from the ground. Just mark them with flags so we don't trip them on the way out. While Doc attended to her, Sanya arrived carrying the old woman.

"You look lovely. Aibolit nodded in agreement, carefully lifted the girl, and crawled in through the side hatch. Chopin suddenly grew angry. Or the

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wheelbarrow may have shielded them - see, it looks like a sieve. But after an instant of hesitation, Chopin issued a

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staccato order: . Dropping to one knee behind various forms of cover and shouldering their automatic weapons, they kept a tense lookout over the nearby "green area" and covered the two men who went further.

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But after an instant of hesitation, Chopin issued a staccato order:

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. "The women say her father was killed while fighting in the anti-Dudayev opposition. They hauled her off in broad daylight, raped and shot her! But the entire street teamed up to save the girl and the old woman, hiding them. The other picked up the girl.

The latter started off almost on hands and knees, intently peering into the grass and probing suspicious sectors with rods. Chopin was sitting on the porch of a two-story field hospital. . . " She kissed him tenderly, as if he were a close relative whom she had known for a thousand years. "It's okay. Gather them together and give them love. Vovka dashed through the corridor hastily cut across the minefield, zigzagging

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gracefully between the marker flags like a downhill skier. Chopin clutched her to his breast and stroked her hair, saying, "I'm sorry, but I didn't know. 9 Dzhokhar Dudayev, the leader of the Chechen separatists until his death in 1996 . just a sort-of gutted flounder.

" . " . Suddenly the nurse tensed up and turned her face away, straining to hide her tears. "Ask them where the little girl's parents are. 2 Nickname for Alexander . " With that, she firmly shoved her barrow forward and tilted it on its side to quickly dump the load. Meanwhile, the talkative trooper pulled out an imposing knife, removed some turf with precise, circular cuts, and carefully laid it to the side. " . He hoisted

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her onto his back, carefully watching beneath his feet and silently listening to her wail as he went.

Meanwhile, the talkative trooper pulled out an imposing knife, removed some turf with precise, circular cuts, and carefully laid it to the side. The old woman, dressed in typically dark village clothing, pushed a wheelbarrow filled with rubble. The vibration is less. He hurtled across the killing field, holding the girl to his breast,

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panting and whispering in her ear: . Her husband found out and left her. "You take care of yourself


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But after an instant of hesitation, Chopin issued a staccato order: . . The

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old woman, dressed in typically dark village clothing, pushed a wheelbarrow filled with rubble. "They're alive and still breathing! Look - here's shrapnel from the mine!" . Suddenly the nurse tensed up and turned her face away, straining to hide her tears. .

. He spoke briefly with those in charge of the work details, then got onto the running board

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of the Ural and glanced around. . He spoke briefly with those in

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charge of the work details, then got onto the running board of the Ural and glanced around. But they poured forth regardless, and she abruptly rose and ran back inside. Dudayev's security forces killed her mother too. The OMON troops, having taken cover behind the armor of the BTR and using their field

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glasses to observe first the "green area" and then the wounded, were quietly discussing the event: .

. x x x . . . And that their commander's lips were

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trembling - a commander who had clearly "been around" and routinely looked so bold and energetic. " . "That's just what we needed - the chance to crawl right into the middle of a minefield! Thanks a lot, Granny, you lousy saboteur! Sanya, Stop!"

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. He hoisted her onto his back, carefully watching beneath his feet and silently listening to her wail as he went. Doc and the girl - get into it.

Just rush her to the doctor,

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he'll sort things out!" . "Do you really think I still look alright?" . Dudayev's security forces killed her mother too. The commander's long, sensitive fingers, which he held on the forward stock of

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his automatic rifle as if it were the neck of a guitar, left no doubt about the source of his personal callsign, which had long since become his second name. While talking, the combat engineers performed a cursory examination of the wounded.
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